Posts Tagged ‘Ed Helms’


Movie Impressions: The Hangover

June 20, 2009

the_hangover_movie_posterWhen you’re vacationing in a town with a 3-screen movie theater, your selection of movies to see with da wifey on a night out on the town is pretty limited.  This week our choices were:  Up which we are seeing with the kids in a few days), Imagine That (which also would be a shame to see without the chillins), and The Hangover.  So off we went to the evening showing of The Hangover.

I see so few movies each year in the theaters that I’d probably never pick a movie in the style of The Hangover over other genres, but I checked out the trailer online before we went, and it looked pretty funny.  So we grabbed some popcorn (Reel Mountain Theater has one of the best concession stands I’ve ever seen – soooo much to choose from) and settled in for some laughs.

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